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Crypto Users Increased to 35 Million in 2018: What Will 2019 Bring?


crypto users

As we approach the new year, it’s time to reflect on all that happened in 2018. In the cryptocurrency sector, there were a few ups and downs, more so than in 2017, the year the crypto boom took flight. But while various companies (and coins) had their share of plunges, the number of crypto users in 2018 doubled.

Well, almost.

Crypto Users in 2018

On Wednesday, December 12th, the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance published a study detailing the number of ‘verified’ crypto users the sector gained in 2018. The figure was over 15 …

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Crypto Users Increased to 35 Million in 2018: What Will 2019 Bring?

Crypto Users Increased to 35 Million in 2018: What Will 2019 Bring?

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